Mark your Calendars for Saturday, December 30!
It's time for our 2nd Annual Progressive Sale!
From 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. you will save 20% on your ENTIRE purchase of $40.00 or more! YES! This includes items already on sale!
From 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. you will save 15% on your ENTIRE purchase of $40.00 or more! YES! This also includes items already on sale!
From 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. you will save 10% on your ENTIRE purchase of $40.00 or more! You got it! Sale items included!
The Fine Print: Discounts will be based on pre-tax totals. Sale prices not valid on Class Fees or Gift Certificates. All sales are final.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Six Weird Things
Okay . . .Debbie tagged me a while back to list six weird things about me. . . so here it goes:
1. I loathe carpet. There is not a stitch of it in my house. All of our flooring is either wood or linoleum.
2. I count. For instance, if I walk up a flight of stairs, I count the number of stairs. When I open the back blinds at the store, I count how many times I wrap the pulley around the hook.
3. I love to watch forensic shows on Court TV and medical shows on The Learning Channel. BUT, I can't watch them if they involve children or animals.
4. I will only eat real butter. No margarine for me. I will even request real butter at restaurants . . .especially if I order pancakes or waffles for breakfast.
5. I avoid large bodies of water. Which is weird because as a child I loved to swim, either in a pool or at the beach. Now, I won't go near either one.
6. I love to go to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned. I actually look forward to it every six months. I never miss an appointment.
There you go . . . six weird things about me.
Hey Johanna and Auntie Stu! You're tagged!
1. I loathe carpet. There is not a stitch of it in my house. All of our flooring is either wood or linoleum.
2. I count. For instance, if I walk up a flight of stairs, I count the number of stairs. When I open the back blinds at the store, I count how many times I wrap the pulley around the hook.
3. I love to watch forensic shows on Court TV and medical shows on The Learning Channel. BUT, I can't watch them if they involve children or animals.
4. I will only eat real butter. No margarine for me. I will even request real butter at restaurants . . .especially if I order pancakes or waffles for breakfast.
5. I avoid large bodies of water. Which is weird because as a child I loved to swim, either in a pool or at the beach. Now, I won't go near either one.
6. I love to go to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned. I actually look forward to it every six months. I never miss an appointment.
There you go . . . six weird things about me.
Hey Johanna and Auntie Stu! You're tagged!
Monday, December 25, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
On the Twelfth Day of Christmas. . .
. . .receive 40% off any one regular priced Rubber Stamp!
Yep! We'll be having a Daily Special for the 12 Days of Christmas. Check back everyday to see what the new special is.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on regular priced items. Clear and Cling Stamp Sets are excluded. Valid through 4:00 pm Saturday, December 23, 2006.
Yep! We'll be having a Daily Special for the 12 Days of Christmas. Check back everyday to see what the new special is.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on regular priced items. Clear and Cling Stamp Sets are excluded. Valid through 4:00 pm Saturday, December 23, 2006.
Friday, December 22, 2006
On the Eleventh Day of Christmas . . .
. . .purchase one card pack and receive a second card pack of equal or lesser value at 25% off!
Yep! We'll be having a Daily Special for the 12 Days of Christmas. Check back everyday to see what the new special is.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on in-stock card packs. Valid through 3:00 pm Friday, December 22, 2006.
Yep! We'll be having a Daily Special for the 12 Days of Christmas. Check back everyday to see what the new special is.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on in-stock card packs. Valid through 3:00 pm Friday, December 22, 2006.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
On the Tenth Day of Christmas. . .
. . .receive 20% off 12 x12 Cardstock!
Yep! We'll be having a Daily Special for the 12 Days of Christmas. Check back everyday to see what the new special is.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on regular priced, open-stock 12 x 12 Cardstock. Wild Aspargus and Kaleidoscope cardstock is excluded. Valid through 5:00 pm Thursday, December 21, 2006.
Yep! We'll be having a Daily Special for the 12 Days of Christmas. Check back everyday to see what the new special is.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on regular priced, open-stock 12 x 12 Cardstock. Wild Aspargus and Kaleidoscope cardstock is excluded. Valid through 5:00 pm Thursday, December 21, 2006.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
It was 6:45 a.m. . .
. . . and prior to having a sufficient amount of caffeine in my system, I attempted to post the Ninth Day of Christmas special. And because there was not a sufficient amount of caffeine in my system, I forgot to change the post date and time, therefore, the Ninth Day of Christmas Special posted in between the First and Second Days of Christmas.
Soooo . . .the Ninth Day of Christmas Special will be honored in addition to the Tenth Day of Christmas Special tomorrow.
Soooo . . .the Ninth Day of Christmas Special will be honored in addition to the Tenth Day of Christmas Special tomorrow.
On the Ninth Day of Christmas . . .
. . .receive 40% off ALL Queen & Co. products and/or A Muse Gift Tags!
Yep! We'll be having a Daily Special for the 12 Days of Christmas. Check back everyday to see what the new special is.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on in-stock Queen & Co. products and/or A Muse Gift Tags. Valid through 5:00 pm Thursday, December 21, 2006.
Yep! We'll be having a Daily Special for the 12 Days of Christmas. Check back everyday to see what the new special is.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on in-stock Queen & Co. products and/or A Muse Gift Tags. Valid through 5:00 pm Thursday, December 21, 2006.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
On the Eighth Day of Christmas . . .
. . .receive 10% off Twinkling H2O’s!
Yep! We'll be having a Daily Special for the 12 Days of Christmas. Check back everyday to see what the new special is.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on Twinkling H2O’s. Limit three sets per person. Valid through 5:00 pm Tuesday, December 19, 2006.
Yep! We'll be having a Daily Special for the 12 Days of Christmas. Check back everyday to see what the new special is.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on Twinkling H2O’s. Limit three sets per person. Valid through 5:00 pm Tuesday, December 19, 2006.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Saturday, December 16, 2006
On the Fifth Day of Christmas. . .
. . .receive 30% off any one regular priced Rubber Stamp!
Yep! We'll be having a Daily Special for the 12 Days of Christmas. Check back everyday to see what the new special is.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on regular priced items. Valid through 2:00 pm Saturday, December 16, 2006.
Yep! We'll be having a Daily Special for the 12 Days of Christmas. Check back everyday to see what the new special is.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on regular priced items. Valid through 2:00 pm Saturday, December 16, 2006.
Friday, December 15, 2006
On the Fourth Day of Christmas. . .
. . .purchase two Adirondack ink pads and receive the third at 30% off!
Yep! We'll be having a Daily Special for the 12 Days of Christmas. Check back everyday to see what the new special is.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on in-stock Adirondack ink pads. Valid through 3:00 pm Friday, December 15, 2006.
Yep! We'll be having a Daily Special for the 12 Days of Christmas. Check back everyday to see what the new special is.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on in-stock Adirondack ink pads. Valid through 3:00 pm Friday, December 15, 2006.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
On the Third Day of Christmas. . . .
. . .receive 20% off any one regular priced item!
Yep! We'll be having a Daily Special for the 12 Days of Christmas. Check back everyday to see what the new special is.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on regular priced items. Kaliedascope and Wild Asparagus Cardstock are excluded. Valid through 5:00 pm Thursday, December 14, 2006.
Yep! We'll be having a Daily Special for the 12 Days of Christmas. Check back everyday to see what the new special is.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on regular priced items. Kaliedascope and Wild Asparagus Cardstock are excluded. Valid through 5:00 pm Thursday, December 14, 2006.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
On the Second Day of Christmas. . .
. . .purchase two yards of open stock ribbon and receive the third yard FREE!
Yep! We'll be having a Daily Special for the 12 Days of Christmas. Check back everyday to see what the new special is.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on open stock ribbon. Valid through 5:00 pm Wednesday, December 13, 2006.
Yep! We'll be having a Daily Special for the 12 Days of Christmas. Check back everyday to see what the new special is.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on open stock ribbon. Valid through 5:00 pm Wednesday, December 13, 2006.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
On the First Day of Christmas . . .
. . .receive 25% off all Lasting Impressions Cardstock!
Yep! We'll be having a Daily Blog Special for the 12 Days of Christmas. Check back everyday to see what the new special is.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on Lasting Impressions Cardstock and Paper Packs. Valid through 5:00 pm Tuesday, December 12, 2006.
Yep! We'll be having a Daily Blog Special for the 12 Days of Christmas. Check back everyday to see what the new special is.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on Lasting Impressions Cardstock and Paper Packs. Valid through 5:00 pm Tuesday, December 12, 2006.
Monday, December 11, 2006
I was never much of a pink type of girl . . .as a kid, I admit that I was sort of a tomboy.
Lately, though, I love pink. Pink paper, pink ink, pink fibers and ribbon . . .so when I saw that pink Christmas tree at Michael's . . . don't you just KNOW that I was going to be the proud owner!
And of course, what better color to decorate that tree? Brown . . .and what is the perfect brown Christmas decoration? Gingerbread.
So, here it is . . .my little pink and brown tree all decorated for the holidays . . .ahem . . . yes, the tree skirt IS a pink boa.
Lately, though, I love pink. Pink paper, pink ink, pink fibers and ribbon . . .so when I saw that pink Christmas tree at Michael's . . . don't you just KNOW that I was going to be the proud owner!
And of course, what better color to decorate that tree? Brown . . .and what is the perfect brown Christmas decoration? Gingerbread.
So, here it is . . .my little pink and brown tree all decorated for the holidays . . .ahem . . . yes, the tree skirt IS a pink boa.

Thursday, December 07, 2006
Twinkling Lights and Trees . . .
Ah yes . . . it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Let me help you make your Holiday Cards Twinkle!
Yep . . . it's time for a Thursday Blog Special!
Today only: Receive 10% off all Twinkling H2O's! To receive the discount, you must mention the Thursday Blog Special.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on Twinkling H2O's. Valid through 5:00 pm Thursday, December 7, 2006.
Yep . . . it's time for a Thursday Blog Special!
Today only: Receive 10% off all Twinkling H2O's! To receive the discount, you must mention the Thursday Blog Special.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on Twinkling H2O's. Valid through 5:00 pm Thursday, December 7, 2006.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Stamped In Ink
Oh my! Sue from Stamped in Ink posted a few samples using her stamps! They are sooooo fun! You can see them right here.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Let's Dis-Stress!
Yep . . . it's time for a Daily Blog Special!
Today only: Receive 15% off all Distress Ink Pads and Distress Ink refills!. To receive the discount, you must mention the Let's Dis-Stress Blog Special.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on Ranger Distress Inks. Valid through 3:00 pm Friday, December 1, 2006.
Today only: Receive 15% off all Distress Ink Pads and Distress Ink refills!. To receive the discount, you must mention the Let's Dis-Stress Blog Special.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on Ranger Distress Inks. Valid through 3:00 pm Friday, December 1, 2006.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
The Big Brown Truck
Oh my!
Chris (he's my UPS driver) stopped by yesterday and told me (and I quote) "You're going to have to get a receiving area if this keeps up." He brought 9 (NINE!!!) boxes of goodness!
It took me almost all day to get through those boxes! Here's a list of what came in:
Chris (he's my UPS driver) stopped by yesterday and told me (and I quote) "You're going to have to get a receiving area if this keeps up." He brought 9 (NINE!!!) boxes of goodness!
It took me almost all day to get through those boxes! Here's a list of what came in:
- Art Impressions
- Stamper's Sampler Magazine
- Take Ten Magazine
- Penny Black
- Stampbord
- House Mouse
Oh what fun! I actually shirked all responsibilites last night just to play with that Stampbord stuff . . .oh it is soooooooo cool! Just wait til you see . . . samples coming soon!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Well . . .after taking two days off last week, it's time to get back to work for me! I've got some great products coming in this week and next. Art Impressions, StampBord, and more Monogram Sets from Hero Arts, just to name a few.
Speaking of those Monograms . . .I got my hands inky over the weekend and created a few samples using the versatile sets. Here's one that I did. Click here to see more.

Oooh! Stamped in Ink clear stamps arrived last week. I've had a bit of fun playing with those stamps, too!
Be sure to check back soon . . .I think I feel a Blog Special coming on!
Speaking of those Monograms . . .I got my hands inky over the weekend and created a few samples using the versatile sets. Here's one that I did. Click here to see more.

Oooh! Stamped in Ink clear stamps arrived last week. I've had a bit of fun playing with those stamps, too!
Be sure to check back soon . . .I think I feel a Blog Special coming on!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
'Tis Time . . .
. . . for a Pre-Turkey Day Tuesday Blog Special!
Yep! Since we will be closed Wed., Nov. 22 and Thurs., Nov. 23 for the Thanksgiving Holiday, I thought today would be a perfect day for a Blog Special!
Today only: Receive 20% off any foliage or floral stamp (limit three per client, please). To receive the discount, you must mention the Pre-Turkey Day Blog Special.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on regular price items. Not applicable on Clear Stamp Sets. Valid through 5:00 pm Tuesday, November 21, 2006.
Yep! Since we will be closed Wed., Nov. 22 and Thurs., Nov. 23 for the Thanksgiving Holiday, I thought today would be a perfect day for a Blog Special!
Today only: Receive 20% off any foliage or floral stamp (limit three per client, please). To receive the discount, you must mention the Pre-Turkey Day Blog Special.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on regular price items. Not applicable on Clear Stamp Sets. Valid through 5:00 pm Tuesday, November 21, 2006.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Oh Goodies!
Lots of them! Stampotique arrived yesterday . . . and I was thrilled to find out that images by Maryse Carrier are now available through them! If you're not familiar with her designs, stop by to see the flyer . . they are so fun and whimisical! I can't wait to put an order in for them!
justjohanna stamps have also arrived! I just LOVE the Decorated Tree . . . and Party Girl Reindeer . . .
Clear stamps from Stampington also arrived! Yahoo!
And the latest issues of Cards and Paper Trends Magazines are here!
So many new goodies . . . and just in time for the long weekend next week!
justjohanna stamps have also arrived! I just LOVE the Decorated Tree . . . and Party Girl Reindeer . . .
Clear stamps from Stampington also arrived! Yahoo!
And the latest issues of Cards and Paper Trends Magazines are here!
So many new goodies . . . and just in time for the long weekend next week!
Friday, November 17, 2006
Do you ever watch KUSI News? Don't you get a kick out of John Coleman? Especially on Friday night when he yells "It's FRIDAY!" and jumps out of his chair? Me, too.
Soooooo . . . it's time for a FABULOUS FRIDAY BLOG SPECIAL!
Today only: Receive 20% off any sentiment stamp. To receive the discount, you must mention the Fabulous Friday Blog Special.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on regular price items. Not applicable on Clear Stamp Sets. Valid through 3:00 pm Friday, November 17, 2006.
Soooooo . . . it's time for a FABULOUS FRIDAY BLOG SPECIAL!
Today only: Receive 20% off any sentiment stamp. To receive the discount, you must mention the Fabulous Friday Blog Special.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on regular price items. Not applicable on Clear Stamp Sets. Valid through 3:00 pm Friday, November 17, 2006.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Fruitcake Anyone?
No . . .not THAT kind . . . I'm talking about the scrumptious new collection from Basic Grey! It's here it's here it's here! Along with Romani and LilyKate 6x6 packs! YAHOO!
And, the Great Wall of Rosie's is fully stocked once again! There were so many stamps, that I actually had to put her Holiday images with the rest of the holiday stamps.
Oooooo . . . Decor Boardz are here, too. They come in two sizes and are ready to be altered in any way imaginable! Sooooooo cool!
Stay tuned for more news . . . .
And, the Great Wall of Rosie's is fully stocked once again! There were so many stamps, that I actually had to put her Holiday images with the rest of the holiday stamps.
Oooooo . . . Decor Boardz are here, too. They come in two sizes and are ready to be altered in any way imaginable! Sooooooo cool!
Stay tuned for more news . . . .
Saturday, November 11, 2006
A Bundle of Backgrounds
Yep . . . it's time for a:
Super Saturday Blog Special!
Today only: Receive 20% off any background stamp. To receive the discount, you must mention the Super Saturday Blog Special.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on regular price items. Valid through 2:00 pm Saturday, November 11, 2006.
Super Saturday Blog Special!
Today only: Receive 20% off any background stamp. To receive the discount, you must mention the Super Saturday Blog Special.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on regular price items. Valid through 2:00 pm Saturday, November 11, 2006.
Friday, November 10, 2006
December Stamp of the Month
Here's a sneak peek for ya! You can click on either picture for a better view. AND if you'd like to pre-order any of them, please let me know by Wed., Nov. 15th. ( I just gotta have that monkey!) Remember: You will receive 50% the Stamp of the Month with ANY $25.00 purchase PLUS a picture of the board PLUS instructions to complete all six cards!

Thursday, November 09, 2006
justjohanna Reviewed By Scrapfriends!
How exciting is this?? A review was done on justjohanna rubber stamps and posted on the internet for the whole world to see! Projects, too! Click here to read the review.
And speaking of justjohanna, I do have a whole lotta those stamps on order, including the deer that were reviewed. Check back soon . . .they should be here in a week or two!
I've been keeping a low profile for the past week or so . . . I caught a cold . . .a very bad cold . . .I'm just now starting to feel a little bit better. Yep . . . it was a doozy.
BUT, now that I am feeling better, I've got stuff to post!
Stamped in Ink stamps have shipped. I do hope to have them by tomorrow. Those Pennant stamps are EVER so cool!
I've also got stamps from Stampotique on the way . . .a variety of Christmas, Valentine (yes, already!), and some fabu collage stuff.
Die Cuts with a View has released MORE glittery cardstock! Yippee! I love "sparklies!" Two new stacks are on the way . . . Once Upon a Time and Glitter. . . along with a few other goodies.
Rosie's Roadshow will be well stocked soon! With any luck, I might even get them tomorrow. (keeping my fingers crossed!)
Ooh Ooh! I FINALLY put a scrapbook together of her samples. Forty (yes, 40!) fantastic pages of nothing but Rosie's samples. Be sure to stop by and check it out!
Off and running to dust the shelves (again) . . .I'm amazed at how quickly dust accumulates here.
And speaking of justjohanna, I do have a whole lotta those stamps on order, including the deer that were reviewed. Check back soon . . .they should be here in a week or two!
I've been keeping a low profile for the past week or so . . . I caught a cold . . .a very bad cold . . .I'm just now starting to feel a little bit better. Yep . . . it was a doozy.
BUT, now that I am feeling better, I've got stuff to post!
Stamped in Ink stamps have shipped. I do hope to have them by tomorrow. Those Pennant stamps are EVER so cool!
I've also got stamps from Stampotique on the way . . .a variety of Christmas, Valentine (yes, already!), and some fabu collage stuff.
Die Cuts with a View has released MORE glittery cardstock! Yippee! I love "sparklies!" Two new stacks are on the way . . . Once Upon a Time and Glitter. . . along with a few other goodies.
Rosie's Roadshow will be well stocked soon! With any luck, I might even get them tomorrow. (keeping my fingers crossed!)
Ooh Ooh! I FINALLY put a scrapbook together of her samples. Forty (yes, 40!) fantastic pages of nothing but Rosie's samples. Be sure to stop by and check it out!
Off and running to dust the shelves (again) . . .I'm amazed at how quickly dust accumulates here.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
And the Winners Are . . .
The Nine 2nd Place Passport to Creativity Winners are:
Mikki Rainey - Pink Pineapple basket
Liane Wilson - Scrapping Cottage basket
Linda Falconio - Cool Scrapbook Stuff tote
Shelly Gonzales - Scrapbook Your Life basket
Nancy Shelnel - Jazi Crafts bag
Mary Coby - Gee Gee's basket
Stacy Murray - The Stampin' Post bag
Shandra Goodrich - Cat's Craft Cupboard basket
Sandy Fels - Inspire Me Scrapbooks basket
And the Grand Prize Winner is:
Cindi Cooke
Congratulations Ladies!
It was sooooooooo much fun to get together for the drawing! Three of the winners were present. Those who were not present were contacted by phone (and very excited to receive those calls!).
Thanks to all who participated in the our First Passport to Creativity!
Mikki Rainey - Pink Pineapple basket
Liane Wilson - Scrapping Cottage basket
Linda Falconio - Cool Scrapbook Stuff tote
Shelly Gonzales - Scrapbook Your Life basket
Nancy Shelnel - Jazi Crafts bag
Mary Coby - Gee Gee's basket
Stacy Murray - The Stampin' Post bag
Shandra Goodrich - Cat's Craft Cupboard basket
Sandy Fels - Inspire Me Scrapbooks basket
And the Grand Prize Winner is:
Cindi Cooke
Congratulations Ladies!
It was sooooooooo much fun to get together for the drawing! Three of the winners were present. Those who were not present were contacted by phone (and very excited to receive those calls!).
Thanks to all who participated in the our First Passport to Creativity!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
November Stamp of the Month . . .
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween!
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays! Soooo . . . let's celebrate, shall we? Yep! It's time for a:
Spooktacular Blog Special
Today only: Receive 10% off your entire purchase of $25.00 or more. This includes "red tagged" items! To receive the discount, you must mention the Spooktacular Blog Special.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Wild Asparagus and Kaliedascope cardstock are excluded. Valid through 5:00 pm Tuesday, October 31, 2006.
Spooktacular Blog Special
Today only: Receive 10% off your entire purchase of $25.00 or more. This includes "red tagged" items! To receive the discount, you must mention the Spooktacular Blog Special.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Wild Asparagus and Kaliedascope cardstock are excluded. Valid through 5:00 pm Tuesday, October 31, 2006.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
The Grand Haunt
Ooooh how fun! Every year, the city of Escondido hosts an event called the "Grand Haunt." It's an opportunity for parents to bring their little ghosts and goblins downtown for some safe Trick-or-Treating!
Come on down this Saturday, October 28 from noon - 3:00. Other activities include pumpkin decorating, costumed characters, halloween music and more! For more information call the Downtown Business Association at (760) 745-8877.
Yep . . .I'll even give candy to you parents, too! After all, Sprinkle the Cat from The Cat's Pajamas would say, "There's no such thing as too much candy."
And speaking of Sprinkle the Cat . . .
The Big Brown Truck and The Big White Truck have brought goodies from The Cat's Pajamas, Stamper's Anonymous, Inky Antics, and Hero Arts (almost have ALL those Monograms). More Alcohol Inks, Big Scallop Punches, and other fun doo-dads have also arrived!
More stuff is scheduled to arrive over the next few days as well . . .check back soon to see what else appears.
Come on down this Saturday, October 28 from noon - 3:00. Other activities include pumpkin decorating, costumed characters, halloween music and more! For more information call the Downtown Business Association at (760) 745-8877.
Yep . . .I'll even give candy to you parents, too! After all, Sprinkle the Cat from The Cat's Pajamas would say, "There's no such thing as too much candy."
And speaking of Sprinkle the Cat . . .
The Big Brown Truck and The Big White Truck have brought goodies from The Cat's Pajamas, Stamper's Anonymous, Inky Antics, and Hero Arts (almost have ALL those Monograms). More Alcohol Inks, Big Scallop Punches, and other fun doo-dads have also arrived!
More stuff is scheduled to arrive over the next few days as well . . .check back soon to see what else appears.
Friday, October 20, 2006
I'm lagging a little bit . . .I guess partly because I wasn't feeling too well earlier this week and have been sluggish from that, and I've had all those other little things crop up here and there . . .
So . . . The October Challenge entries are up and the voting polls are open! Stop by and cast your vote now through October 31.
The November Challenge will be posted tonight.
The latest issue of RubberStamp Madness magazine is here . . .did you love the Rosie's Roadshow sample in the previous post? Then be sure to pick up this issue of RSM! There's a whole lotta eye candy featuring Rosie's stamps in there. Besides that, there is a great article about Linda Berge!
Two new issues of Australian Stamping & PaperCraft Magazines have also arrived!
More Hero Arts Monograms have arrived . . .and yes, I have even more on the way! My goal is to have the whole kit-n-kaboodle in stock.
Speaking of those Monograms . . .I know that it's ever so difficult to pick and choose just a few sets . . .so be sure to watch the Blog for a special offer to make it much easier to have it all!
After all, less in NOT more . . .more is more.
So . . . The October Challenge entries are up and the voting polls are open! Stop by and cast your vote now through October 31.
The November Challenge will be posted tonight.
The latest issue of RubberStamp Madness magazine is here . . .did you love the Rosie's Roadshow sample in the previous post? Then be sure to pick up this issue of RSM! There's a whole lotta eye candy featuring Rosie's stamps in there. Besides that, there is a great article about Linda Berge!
Two new issues of Australian Stamping & PaperCraft Magazines have also arrived!
More Hero Arts Monograms have arrived . . .and yes, I have even more on the way! My goal is to have the whole kit-n-kaboodle in stock.
Speaking of those Monograms . . .I know that it's ever so difficult to pick and choose just a few sets . . .so be sure to watch the Blog for a special offer to make it much easier to have it all!
After all, less in NOT more . . .more is more.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Oh Rosie!
Daffy Duck would say . . .
. . . "Thuffering Thuccotash! It'th time for a Thursday Thriller Blog Thpecial!"
Today only: Purchase two full size ink pads and receive a third ink pad of equal or lesser value FREE! To receive the discount, you must mention the Thrilling Thursday Blog Special.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on regular price items. Valid through 5:00 pm Thursday, October 19, 2006.
Today only: Purchase two full size ink pads and receive a third ink pad of equal or lesser value FREE! To receive the discount, you must mention the Thrilling Thursday Blog Special.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on regular price items. Valid through 5:00 pm Thursday, October 19, 2006.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Wow! I just love the fact that Cards Magazine is now a monthly publication! Sooooooo much good stuff in there!
Yep! The November issue is here!
Yep! The November issue is here!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Introducing . . .

Now . . .on to other tidbits:
Rosie's NEW Christmas images arrived today! OH my that Jingle Bell is EVER so stinkin' cute! And those ice skates? I can't even STAND it!
NEW Clear stamps from Paper Inspirations arrived today! The Bold Christmas set is FABU!
I received a copy of RubberStampMadness today (which means my order should be here soon) and those new Rosie stamps are featured by none other than Linda Berge! Just wait til you see what she's done this time! Truly a very talented woman!
I've got more Hero Arts Monograms on the way, Outlines Ornament Toppers on the way, Super Ginormous Punches on the way and some other fun goodies too.
Be sure to check back soon . . .you never know when I just might have a Thrilling Thursday Blog Special. (hint hint)
Saturday, October 14, 2006
It's Raining . . . it's pouring . . .
which makes is a PERFECT day to lounge in your jammies and get out those stamps! Need some inspiration? Check out our Gallery . . .there's a plethora of ideas for you there!
Oh yeah . . . one more thing . . .ALL Twinkler's are back in stock!
Have a stamperific day!
Oh yeah . . . one more thing . . .ALL Twinkler's are back in stock!
Have a stamperific day!
Friday, October 13, 2006
Happy Friday the 13th!
Freaky Friday Blog Special:
Today only: Receive 15% off all Halloween Stamps. To receive the discount, you must mention the Freaky Friday Blog Special.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on regular price items. Valid through 3:00 pm Friday, October 13, 2006.
Today only: Receive 15% off all Halloween Stamps. To receive the discount, you must mention the Freaky Friday Blog Special.
the fine print: this offer may not be combined with any other special or coupon. Sale price only valid on regular price items. Valid through 3:00 pm Friday, October 13, 2006.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Busy Busy Busy
The big brown truck came by yesterday and today. So in between checking in all the new goodies and trying to find a place for them, I've been hopping!
Tim Holtz' Alcohol Inks have arrived
New images from Memory Box have arrived
New 6x6 Paper Packs from Memory Box have arrived
Versamagic and Brilliance DewDrop Ink Pads have arrived
More Twinkling H2O's are on the way . . .and not just the new colors . . .ALL twenty four 12 Packs are on the way!
Whew . . .gotta go finish dusting shelves and putting stuff away . . .
Tim Holtz' Alcohol Inks have arrived
New images from Memory Box have arrived
New 6x6 Paper Packs from Memory Box have arrived
Versamagic and Brilliance DewDrop Ink Pads have arrived
More Twinkling H2O's are on the way . . .and not just the new colors . . .ALL twenty four 12 Packs are on the way!
Whew . . .gotta go finish dusting shelves and putting stuff away . . .
Monday, October 09, 2006
We have a Design Team!
Congratulations to the new justjohanna Design Team! We received so many incredible entries, and it was again very difficult to select the team. We had a local stamp club help with the final decision.
* Toni Armstrong
* Sylvie Baschung
* Kim Frantz
* Michelle Geller
* Emily Gunnell
* Michelle Guray
* Linda Huie
* Nancy James
* Debbie Scheunemann
* Claudette Slowik
* Godelieve Tijskens
* Catherine St. Clair
* Jennifer Woodward
* Toni Armstrong
* Sylvie Baschung
* Kim Frantz
* Michelle Geller
* Emily Gunnell
* Michelle Guray
* Linda Huie
* Nancy James
* Debbie Scheunemann
* Claudette Slowik
* Godelieve Tijskens
* Catherine St. Clair
* Jennifer Woodward
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Happy National Card Making Day!
Really . . .it is National Card Making Day. To celebrate, I offered free Make-n-Takes at the store today. Of course, I didn't take a picture of the card, but it did feature stamps from Rosie's Roadshow and Memory Box.
My friend, Lora, was kind enough to man the table (ahem . . . I'm really, really, really grateful that she agreed to help me out . . .especially with only two days notice!). She did a wonderful job (as always) and was so busy she never really got much of a break.
But, I think we all had a good time . . . sooooooo, I think I might start having free make-n-takes about once a month. . .
And Lora . . . if you're reading this . . . I promise I'll ask you at least a week in advance. :D
My friend, Lora, was kind enough to man the table (ahem . . . I'm really, really, really grateful that she agreed to help me out . . .especially with only two days notice!). She did a wonderful job (as always) and was so busy she never really got much of a break.
But, I think we all had a good time . . . sooooooo, I think I might start having free make-n-takes about once a month. . .
And Lora . . . if you're reading this . . . I promise I'll ask you at least a week in advance. :D
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Twinkle Twinkle in a Jar
Yippee! The 12 NEW Twinkling H2O's have arrived! AND so have the NEW Veggie Dresses and Fleur Couture! Oh so cute . . .I can't stand it!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Twinkling Update and Other Tidbits
Grrr . . . sometimes I can be so impatient. . . especially when I'm waiting for something as cool as NEW Twinkling H2O's. The good news is that they are shipping this week. . . so hopefully, I'll have them by Friday.
And, I've finally caught up with the times and ordered Tim Holtz Alcohol inks . . .I saw a great project using them and can't wait to try it!
The latest issue of The Rubber Stamper has arrived and has wonderful projects and techniques in there!
justjohanna has released even MORE new stamps . . .oh so hard to choose what to order! Keep your eyes peeled for these GREAT images!
Oh my! I found a fabu set of Pennant stamps! Yep! They are on the way . . .along with some other really cool stamps!
The Passport to Creativity is in full swing now! And . . . guess what! The Grand Prize was originally valued at $400 . . . well, that's now changed. It's up to more than $800! YAHOO!! It's not too late to get your Passport for a chance to win that big ol' basket of goodies! You can read about it right here.
Whew! See what happens when I miss a day of blogging? My entries turn into a novel! More updates will be posted tomorrow.
And, I've finally caught up with the times and ordered Tim Holtz Alcohol inks . . .I saw a great project using them and can't wait to try it!
The latest issue of The Rubber Stamper has arrived and has wonderful projects and techniques in there!
justjohanna has released even MORE new stamps . . .oh so hard to choose what to order! Keep your eyes peeled for these GREAT images!
Oh my! I found a fabu set of Pennant stamps! Yep! They are on the way . . .along with some other really cool stamps!
The Passport to Creativity is in full swing now! And . . . guess what! The Grand Prize was originally valued at $400 . . . well, that's now changed. It's up to more than $800! YAHOO!! It's not too late to get your Passport for a chance to win that big ol' basket of goodies! You can read about it right here.
Whew! See what happens when I miss a day of blogging? My entries turn into a novel! More updates will be posted tomorrow.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Oh goodness!
I've kinda been on a shopping spree.
- I've got the NEW 6x6 paper packs and stamps from Memory Box on the way.
- I've got NEW Christmas/Winter images from Rosie's Roadshow on the way.
- I've got NEW Christmas images and NEW Veggie Dresses & Fleur Couture on the way!
Just look at these few samplings of what the Big Brown Truck will be bringing:
Friday, September 29, 2006
SOM is here!
Yahoo! The October Stamp of the Month has arrived! Remember: You'll receive 50% off the SOM with any $25.00 purchase, plus a picture of the board, plus instructions to complete all six projects.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Two trucks today!
Yippee! FedEx stopped by and dropped off the latest issues of the Australian Magazines and UPS dropped of Rosie's Roadshow!
I can't wait to fill that Mason Jar with Candy Korn . . ..EVER so cute!
I can't wait to fill that Mason Jar with Candy Korn . . ..EVER so cute!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
By George, I've Got It!
So . . . have you ever had an idea for a project . . .and then think it through . . . and finally get it to a point in your head that if you don't sit down and complete the project right NOW, you'll lose your mind?
Yeah . . .me too. Last night . . .late. . . and all other responsibilities have been set aside . . .for instance, updating the Blog and website. sheesh
The good news is, though, my idea is working thus far! Ooooooh I am so excited about it! It'll be a class in Novemeber . . . .I can't wait to finish all the projects so I can post the class and pictures!
Now . . . back to updating the Blog:
NEW images from The Cat's Pajamas have arrived . . .along with the Mummy Kitty (cuz I know there is somebody out there who asked for it and I can't remember who so I really hope she reads the Blog). Yep, Sprinkle and Poochie are all ready for snow season and Christmas! And, it seems they may have even caught a cold during the ski trip, cuz there are new Get Well images, too!
The latest issue of The Stamper's Sampler has also arrived! There are some mighty fine Holiday projects in there!
Aaaahh yes, the Great Impressions display board came in today, so I will definitely have those FABU stamps by Friday. Click here to see the board.
AND . . .Rosie's new images and the 12 new Twinkling H2O's should also be here by Friday! I'm gonna be hoppin' here trying to find a place to put all the new goodies!
One last thing . . . .if you haven't done so already, don't forget to purchase your Passport!
Okay . . .I'm off to work on my project some more . . .
Yeah . . .me too. Last night . . .late. . . and all other responsibilities have been set aside . . .for instance, updating the Blog and website. sheesh
The good news is, though, my idea is working thus far! Ooooooh I am so excited about it! It'll be a class in Novemeber . . . .I can't wait to finish all the projects so I can post the class and pictures!
Now . . . back to updating the Blog:
NEW images from The Cat's Pajamas have arrived . . .along with the Mummy Kitty (cuz I know there is somebody out there who asked for it and I can't remember who so I really hope she reads the Blog). Yep, Sprinkle and Poochie are all ready for snow season and Christmas! And, it seems they may have even caught a cold during the ski trip, cuz there are new Get Well images, too!
The latest issue of The Stamper's Sampler has also arrived! There are some mighty fine Holiday projects in there!
Aaaahh yes, the Great Impressions display board came in today, so I will definitely have those FABU stamps by Friday. Click here to see the board.
AND . . .Rosie's new images and the 12 new Twinkling H2O's should also be here by Friday! I'm gonna be hoppin' here trying to find a place to put all the new goodies!
One last thing . . . .if you haven't done so already, don't forget to purchase your Passport!
Okay . . .I'm off to work on my project some more . . .
Friday, September 22, 2006
Monograms. . .
are in! Yep! Those Monogram Sets from Hero Arts have arrived! Wow! They are sooooooo cool!
And I put in an order for that Swanky cat, Sprinkle, from The Cat's Pajamas! OH my! So many cute new images for Christmas and all sorts of other occasions as well! Can't wait can't wait can't wait!
whoops . . . almost forgot . . .more stamps have been red-tagged up to 40% off! Hurry in for best selection.
And I put in an order for that Swanky cat, Sprinkle, from The Cat's Pajamas! OH my! So many cute new images for Christmas and all sorts of other occasions as well! Can't wait can't wait can't wait!
whoops . . . almost forgot . . .more stamps have been red-tagged up to 40% off! Hurry in for best selection.
Twinkle, twinkle . . .
H2O's . . .
YAHOO! There are 12 NEW Twinkling H2O colors! They should be here soon!
And Alma has done it again . . .there are NEW images from The Cat's Pajamas, too! Oooooh it's so hard to choose! I want them all!
YAHOO! There are 12 NEW Twinkling H2O colors! They should be here soon!
And Alma has done it again . . .there are NEW images from The Cat's Pajamas, too! Oooooh it's so hard to choose! I want them all!
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
and Paper Trends Magazines have arrived! I'm so thrilled that both of these publications are monthly now . . .there are so many fabulous projects in each idea book!
Not only did the mags arrive, but so did that EVER so stinkin' cute Halloween Turtle set from Inky Antics!
Better yet . . . I've got Rosie's NEW Halloween images on the way. Oh how grand they are!! Just wait til you see them!
Not only did the mags arrive, but so did that EVER so stinkin' cute Halloween Turtle set from Inky Antics!
Better yet . . . I've got Rosie's NEW Halloween images on the way. Oh how grand they are!! Just wait til you see them!
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Passports are here!
Yep . . .you can begin purchasing your Passport to Creativity for the Multi-Store event beginning Tuesday, Sept. 19! Here's your opportunity to visit NINE of the BEST Stamping and Scrapping Stores in the area AND have a chance to win a Grand Prize valued at over $400.00!! Click here to read all about it!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Those Mice!
Yep . . .those ever so stinkin' cute House Mouse stamps have arrived! As well as a few more new clear sets. Here they are:

Just a reminder: Friday, September 15th is the last day to take advantage of the Hero Arts Monogram Special. Click here to read more about it.

Just a reminder: Friday, September 15th is the last day to take advantage of the Hero Arts Monogram Special. Click here to read more about it.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Wood and Cling and Clear OH my!
Mark your Calendars! - Updated
The first important date is:
Tuesday, September 19th, 2006
This is the day you can purchase your Passport.
The second important date is Sunday, October 1, 2006
This is the day you may begin your journey to complete your Passport to Creativity! Click here to read all about it.
oooooooooh . . . this is going to be so fun!
Tuesday, September 19th, 2006
This is the day you can purchase your Passport.
The second important date is Sunday, October 1, 2006
This is the day you may begin your journey to complete your Passport to Creativity! Click here to read all about it.
oooooooooh . . . this is going to be so fun!
Saturday, September 09, 2006
October Stamp of the Month

OH my! The Stamp of the Month (SOM) for October is soooooooo stinkin' cute! AND, they are using that FABU Kaliedascope cardstock! Remember: You'll receive 50% off the SOM with any $25.00 purchase, a picture of the board and instructions to complete all six cards!
Oh yeah . . .did you know that Kaliedascope cardstock is 15% off retail every day, all the time, no matter what? That's just $0.67 per sheet!
Wild Asparagus, too! 15% off every day, all the time, no matter what! That's just $0.84 per sheet!
And of course, you can special order any of the stamps on the board so you don't miss out on any of the images! **Special orders must be received by Sept. 15 and be pre-paid**
Friday, September 08, 2006
Don't Forget . . .
You still have time to take advantage of the Hero Arts Monogram Special! Click here to read more about it.
Design Team Call!
Yep! It's that time again! We're ready to begin the search to add new talent to the justjohanna Design Team. Read all about it right here.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Far Posie World Chipboard
Huh? I know . . .the title sounds silly, but OH MY! I'm so excited to have finally received all the new goodies from Die Cuts With a View that when I talked to my sis today, that's how it came out. Far Posie World Chipboard.
Just wait til you see these FABU 12x12 Cardstock stacks! And the chipboard is sooooooo cool! 18 pieces in neutrals, brights, or black and white AND it textured! AND it'll go through a Sizzix machine . . .oh happy day!

**Don't forget! You can preorder justjohanna stamps through Friday, Sept. 8 and the new Hero Arts Monogram sets through Friday, Sept. 15th**
Just wait til you see these FABU 12x12 Cardstock stacks! And the chipboard is sooooooo cool! 18 pieces in neutrals, brights, or black and white AND it textured! AND it'll go through a Sizzix machine . . .oh happy day!

**Don't forget! You can preorder justjohanna stamps through Friday, Sept. 8 and the new Hero Arts Monogram sets through Friday, Sept. 15th**
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Hero Arts Clear Monogram Special!
Have I got a special for you! I've been thinking and thunking and thinking some more on how to
get these hot little numbers into your hands! So, here's what I came up with:
Pre-order 1 or 2 of the New Hero Arts Monogram Sets and save 10% on EACH set.
Pre-order 3 or 4 of the sets and save 15% on EACH set.
Pre-order 5 or more sets and save 20% on EACH set . . .OR . . .pre-order the whole kit-n-kaboodle (that's all 26 sets) and save 20% on your WHOLE order PLUS receive your choice of the ClearDesign Background set OR ClearDesign Frames set FREE!!
By ordering all 26 sets your savings will be $80.60+! (The regular retail cost per set is $15.50.)
Here's the fine print: Pre-orders must be paid for in advance. Please be sure to place your pre-order no later than Sept. 15th. This special cannot be combined with any other offer or coupon.
Here are a few of the sets to give you an idea of how they look. You can see all of them right here.

get these hot little numbers into your hands! So, here's what I came up with:
Pre-order 1 or 2 of the New Hero Arts Monogram Sets and save 10% on EACH set.
Pre-order 3 or 4 of the sets and save 15% on EACH set.
Pre-order 5 or more sets and save 20% on EACH set . . .OR . . .pre-order the whole kit-n-kaboodle (that's all 26 sets) and save 20% on your WHOLE order PLUS receive your choice of the ClearDesign Background set OR ClearDesign Frames set FREE!!
By ordering all 26 sets your savings will be $80.60+! (The regular retail cost per set is $15.50.)
Here's the fine print: Pre-orders must be paid for in advance. Please be sure to place your pre-order no later than Sept. 15th. This special cannot be combined with any other offer or coupon.
Here are a few of the sets to give you an idea of how they look. You can see all of them right here.

Thursday, August 31, 2006
Now Accepting Special Orders. . .
. . . for justjohanna new images!
You got it! I can finally send an order in . . . soooooo, if you've been chompin' at the bit to get your hands on those new birds or cats or pumpkins or reindeer or cupcakes . . . oh what the heck . . .all of them, here's your chance to ensure you get what you want!
Fax, email, or stop by and fill out an order form no later than Friday, Sept. 8th and you'll be among the first to have those new images!
Please note: pre-orders must be paid for at the time of ordering. If you email your list, please include a phone number so I may call you for credit card information. (Please do not send your credit card via email . . .still working on getting that secure server.)
You got it! I can finally send an order in . . . soooooo, if you've been chompin' at the bit to get your hands on those new birds or cats or pumpkins or reindeer or cupcakes . . . oh what the heck . . .all of them, here's your chance to ensure you get what you want!
Fax, email, or stop by and fill out an order form no later than Friday, Sept. 8th and you'll be among the first to have those new images!
Please note: pre-orders must be paid for at the time of ordering. If you email your list, please include a phone number so I may call you for credit card information. (Please do not send your credit card via email . . .still working on getting that secure server.)
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
The Big Brown Truck. . . .
. . . stopped by today with more goodies!
Yep . . . the September Stamp of the Month has arrived! AND, so did Memory Box! Ooooooh my! That new 6x6 Spooky Pack is EVER so cute! And the stamps! I love the Candy Pumpkin!
AND . . .I received a flyer from Hero Arts today. They are ready to ship their new clear Monogram Stamp Sets. They are a must have! I already have some on order (placed at CHA), but will be working up to having all of them. As well as some sort of incentive program to make it easier for you to get the whole kit-n-kaboodle.
Here's a picture of the "A" set just to give you an idea. Each letter comes as a set and has similar accent, lower case, and image stamps. Soooooooo . . . .keep checking the blog to see what the special deal will be. :D
Yep . . . the September Stamp of the Month has arrived! AND, so did Memory Box! Ooooooh my! That new 6x6 Spooky Pack is EVER so cute! And the stamps! I love the Candy Pumpkin!
AND . . .I received a flyer from Hero Arts today. They are ready to ship their new clear Monogram Stamp Sets. They are a must have! I already have some on order (placed at CHA), but will be working up to having all of them. As well as some sort of incentive program to make it easier for you to get the whole kit-n-kaboodle.
Here's a picture of the "A" set just to give you an idea. Each letter comes as a set and has similar accent, lower case, and image stamps. Soooooooo . . . .keep checking the blog to see what the special deal will be. :D

Tuesday, August 29, 2006
More Monograms!
WOW! Take a look at this!

My sister made this wall-hanging for her husband's co-worker. Didn't it turn out fabu??? She used those oh-so-wonderful Monogram stamps from MSE (read more about them here), Stitches stamps from Inky Antics, Flower stamps from Memory Box, and Wild Asparagus cardstock.
What a wonderful gift this is going to be!

My sister made this wall-hanging for her husband's co-worker. Didn't it turn out fabu??? She used those oh-so-wonderful Monogram stamps from MSE (read more about them here), Stitches stamps from Inky Antics, Flower stamps from Memory Box, and Wild Asparagus cardstock.
What a wonderful gift this is going to be!
Take 10
One of my all time favorite magazines is Take Ten by The Stamper's Sampler. . . I just love the idea of creating a fabulous card in 10 minutes or less!
The Autumn 2006 issue of Take Ten arrived today! Yahoo!
And, I expect to receive the new goodies from Memory Box by the end of the week along with the September Stamp of the Month. Keep checking back . . . I'll be sure to keep the Blog updated!

The Autumn 2006 issue of Take Ten arrived today! Yahoo!
And, I expect to receive the new goodies from Memory Box by the end of the week along with the September Stamp of the Month. Keep checking back . . . I'll be sure to keep the Blog updated!

Saturday, August 26, 2006
Eat Cake!
Yep . . .new images from Eat Cake have arrived! I know, summer is almost over, but I just couldn't resist ordering these ever so cute stamps! And of course, I just HAD to have some of her Halloween images! She has a great sense of humor . . .just take a look at these!

AND, we've finally received the Cut-Apart Cardmakers from One Heart One Mind and coordinating cardstock! Oh they are yummy colors!
Cut-Apart? What's that you ask? Oooooh . . . here's a picture of the six different cards you can create with just one 12x12 sheet! Cool, huh?

AND, we've finally received the Cut-Apart Cardmakers from One Heart One Mind and coordinating cardstock! Oh they are yummy colors!
Cut-Apart? What's that you ask? Oooooh . . . here's a picture of the six different cards you can create with just one 12x12 sheet! Cool, huh?

Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Later that same day . . .
Yahoo! Those stamps from Just for Fun have arrived! I just love the File Folder and Torn Spiral Paper . . .although, the Customs Border is pretty cool, too . . .then again, Add Color and the Seamstress are fabu! Okay . . .I obviously can't pick just one as my favorite! Do you have a fav? Here's the board (and you can click on it for a better view):

Monograms & Tri-folds
Goodness! It's been a few days since I've updated the Blog . . .I guess I've had too much fun playing in ink. :D
I received a whole set of Monogram stamps from MSE and decided to make a few samples. The Monograms are a "store" set . . .free for you to use with any purchase of five (5) sheets of regular priced cardstock or one (1) regular priced card pack. (caveat = they must be used at the store, please).
And if you decide that you really like them, well, I'll gladly do a special order just for you! They are available in uppercase, lowercase, and numbers.

I received a whole set of Monogram stamps from MSE and decided to make a few samples. The Monograms are a "store" set . . .free for you to use with any purchase of five (5) sheets of regular priced cardstock or one (1) regular priced card pack. (caveat = they must be used at the store, please).
And if you decide that you really like them, well, I'll gladly do a special order just for you! They are available in uppercase, lowercase, and numbers.

Friday, August 18, 2006
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Outlines have arrived!
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